How are you a game changer? Or, how are you making a positive impact in your community?
I believe that giving back and helping others is one of the greatest feelings in the world. I love to volunteer as much as I can and offer help to classmates and friends whenever possible.
What is the most amazing or interesting thing that’s happened to you since graduating?
I believe that college is the most amazing thing that I experienced after graduating. I never thought I would fall in love with OSU in a matter of days. There is just so many things to be learned everyday form classes, teachers, and classmates. There is so many opportunities and experiences that I get to be part of everyday. It feels great to be in a place with so many other people who have relatively the same goal as I do.
Your favorite Concept Schools memory?
It's hard to pick a single memory to talk about when Concept helped me create so many everlasting great memories. I believe that one of the greatest opportunities I took advantage of, while my time in Horizon, was traveling to Turkey. This nine-day experience taught me so many great things. It really changed how I view the world as well as how I see others and myself. I spent nine days with some of the most amazing people I met in my life. I had the chance to learn from them and I hope that they learned from me as well.
How do you support and participate in the Concept Alumni?
It is such an honor to be part of the concept Alumni network. I appreciate the amount of work that is put forward to keep us all connected. I try my best to stay connected with my friends and classmates as well as current staff members. I attend weekly gatherings where I get to hang out with other alumnus, Concept staff, and current students. I really enjoy these times as they keep me connected with old friends and teachers.