How has your Concept Schools (CMSA) experience helped shape your success?
I think Chicago Math and Science Academy helped formed me into who I am. I was able to combine a lot
of classes and hold many leadership roles while at CMSA. I was able to think critically and define who I
am in the school. One of the classes that helped shaped my career choice is AP Biology with Mrs.
Rodriguez. She taught the class in such a way that I loved Biology more than some classes, except music
band class haha. She will encourage me to go for the Ohio Science Fair which I participated in twice and
won Best in Category: Biochemistry also with the help of Dr. Unlu. The support was there, the love was
there and even when felt a bit dejected, I had a great a support system in my friends and loving teachers!
How are you a game changer? Or, how are you making a positive impact in your community?
Just being the first to attend college here in U.S and pursue STEM in my family has already set me apart.
I have 5 lovely younger siblings looking up to me and I want to make sure the paths I pave will become
generational in that wherever they go, as long as someone who knows me is there, they will always feel
welcome and loved in a special way. I want them to strive to be the best and accomplish more than I have
and will.
I worked with Howard Area Community for about 3 years in which I helped mentor and guide teens with
their homework, science projects and they felt safe to confide in me. At school, I am a student
ambassador and peer mentor at Women in Science and Engineering. As a student ambassador, I
implement science fairs and engineering workshops for middle and high school girls in Girls Who Code.
As a peer mentor, I mentor a freshman in the same major as me and we just talk through academics, fun
activities and I am her big sister on campus. I am part of the UIC Eco Club in which we create
sustainability activities and are positive environmental activists.
What is the most amazing or interesting thing that's happened to you since graduating?
FREEDOM! Just kidding, I still live at home. However, being able to set my time and schedule in regards
to classes and what to make priorities is awesome. The fact that my school is paying me to study there for
free and get refunds still amazes me which means with God, nothing is impossible. I love college, but it
has its challenges as well but that's what makes it a higher education.
Your favorite Concept Schools (CMSA) memory?
One of my favorite CMSA memories was when my best friend, Matilda Patterson, and I worked with
bunch of middle school girls for the Black History Month event coordinated by Ms. Vincent. It was so
challenging in that we were to showcase different dances from different African cultures and teach the
girls in less than a month. I remember we practiced over and over until late in the night and that even Ms.
Colon could not get us to leave the building. We would be working on the styles, the attires, and
sometimes we would forget the steps and invent another one. It was just stressfully fun, but it turned out
amazing. People loved everything about it and it creates a special bond between us and the girls and our
Anything else you’d like to share?
Shout out to my band family! I love you all very much. You guys made my middle and high school life
much better. To Ms. Vincent, honestly, how can I ever thank you enough? Maybe fly you all around the
world, but still that will not be enough for the safe space you created whereby I could just come in and cry
and you would just automatically understand and hug me. The list goes on, and I am just grateful for all
my teachers because without them, I would not be here.
How do you support and participate in the Concept (CMSA) Alumni?
Thanks to Mr. Senol, I have registered to be a mentee in the CAMP program for the alumni. I come to
alumni events that fit in my schedule. I apply for alumni scholarships, and I have won one of them which
I am still grateful for. I’ve had this platform to share my story, even though more is yet to come. Thanks
to Mr. Karatas for always updating me on alumni events and important Concept Schools programs. I wish
to do more in terms of giving back to the wonderful school that has shaped me into who I am
academically and I know God will grant that wish soon.