Briefly, describe your career path.
I am currently a senior at the University of Toledo, pursuing my degree as a Bachelor of Fine
Arts major with an Art History minor in the honors program. Upon graduation, I plan to take my
portfolio and attend a graduate school of my choosing, possibly the University of Cincinnati, and
pursue a degree in Interior Design. My goal is to obtain a stable occupation through the co-op
opportunity and use my current degree to further support myself.
What are you passionate about in your work/school?
I am extremely passionate about my work and the direction it is currently taking. I am confident
in my art’s ability to interact with the viewer and leave them with something to think about. I
have been part of the Bachelor of Fine Arts program, an honors program specifically directed for
art majors, and it requires extreme focus and self-motivation but pays off with a more
lucrative/esteemed degree. I am also a member of the Japanese Student association and
occasionally attend the meetings/gatherings where we enjoy the culture and spoils of the country,
which are always enjoyable.
Where is your career headed?
Starting off my higher education course at the University of Toledo as a Business student, I knew
something was wrong, but I soon made the right choice and switched majors. I knew that
extending my path in that direction would only lead me further away from my goal in life, so I
made that choice and set my life back on track. After obtaining my degree from the University of
Toledo in both fields, I plan to attend the University of Cincinnati in the graduate program under
the field of Interior Design. (Although a Master’s degree in Fine Arts is also pertinent.) Studying
abroad or pursing a co-op in another country is also a path I see myself taking, if not considering,
in my future.
How has your Concept Schools experience helped shape your success?
My education with Concept Schools helped to culture me by exposing me to many different
types of diversity. Also, being one of the higher GPAs throughout high school allowed me the
opportunity to experience certain things I doubt I would have elsewhere, like the possibility of
Ivy League schools. The wide range of extra-curricular clubs, ranging from Volleyball to Art
club to National Honors Society, helped to cultivate my future and were something I enjoyed
taking part in. But most recently, Concept Schools has helped me in further financing my future
with a scholarship through the Concept Alumni Network.